As a designer, we are in the business of helping make people’s dreams come true. We have the opportunity and honor to help create a home that is warm, inviting and an oasis away from the hardness of the outside world. It is our goal to help our clients navigate this process and help them make their dreams come true! And helping people make dreams come true is the SALES TRAC process.

Become a dream makerWhen someone first walks through your doors, often times we hear, “just looking” as the generic go-to response. Put yourself in their shoes. This response is automatic, based on past experiences they’ve had, and this statement allows them to feel safe and not make poor buying decisions. More than likely, they know they want a sofa, and they might even know some specifics of that piece. What they don’t realize is what they are really looking for is more of a feeling. They want a room that is cozy and comfy where the entire family can gather and watch movies and have popcorn. A room where friends can converge after a great meal, to play games and spend some quality time together, laughing and having fun. A room where birthday presents will be opened and special occasions celebrated. So, yes, they want a sofa, but really they want to turn their dreams into a reality. And it’s your job to help them understand their needs/dreams and get them closer to their reality.

When meeting customers or clients, it’s not about “selling” products through the easiest, fastest solution. And it’s rarely about the price of a product, even if the customers don’t quite know this yet. (Although it’s important to know that understanding a client’s budget is an important step in the process.) It’s truly about building relationships, and the more that trust is established, the more they will share information that will help you understand what their needs are.

Become an advocate for your clients through an engaging, empathetic process. This is done by simply putting their needs first. Taking the time to ask thoughtful questions, listening to their responses, asking additional, more refined questions and then creating solutions that will truly meet their needs and expectations. Sincerity goes a long way and showing you truly care about understanding their wants and desires will bring you one step closer to helping them achieve their dream home!