Did you know that Labor Day was first recognized in the US in the late nineteenth century? The holiday started when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.

As a business owner, we hope you were able to take today off. If you had to work today, ask us how Profitability Consulting Group can help with your business so you can take a much-needed break, or at least take a holiday off once in a while!

Need help getting your business on track? Make plans now that will impact your business in a huge way! Mark your calendar for High Point Market next month. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with John Egger and John McCloskey in the PCG booth! John & John will be at High Point Market in the RRC from Saturday, October 22 through Wednesday, October 26.

We guarantee that spending some time with us will be your most profitable time spent at Market. For details, call John Egger at 404-432-2137 or reach him via email.